Common Concerns with Hiring an Attorney

Common Concerns with Hiring an Attorney

When thinking about hiring an attorney, it’s only natural to have concerns – especially during these unpredictable and unprecedented times. Your worries may relate to the attorney’s availability and capacity, their costs, and the worry of being disadvantaged...
How Do You Hire an Attorney?

How Do You Hire an Attorney?

What are the steps to getting legal council? I need a lawyer – now what? Research! Choose a lawyer Negotiate a legal agreement Paying your lawyer Conclusion I need a lawyer – now what? When you find yourself in the position of requiring legal counsel, you...
Domestic Violence Arrests Increase During COVID-19

Domestic Violence Arrests Increase During COVID-19

Because of many factors, including work-from-home, homeschooling, the existential dread of the Pandemic, lack of space in the home, and even some regions releasing violent criminals early, there has been a worldwide surge in Domestic Violence arrests and Restraining...
Why Defend “Guilty People?”

Why Defend “Guilty People?”

First off, everyone deserves to have their rights protected. That’s why rights are there. To make sure the system is as fair as possible to all people. That said, we often to ensure that happens, and that’s why everyone charged with a crime should strongly...