Why Defend “Guilty People?”
First off, everyone deserves to have their rights protected. That’s why rights are there. To make sure the system is as fair as possible to all people. That said, we often to ensure that happens, and that’s why everyone charged with a crime should strongly...
Sex Crimes in Oregon
Being accused of a sex crime is an intimidating and life-changing experience. You could lose your family, your friends, your job, your reputation, and there could be other far-reaching consequences. What is considered a sex crime in Oregon? Some examples are: Rape or...
DUI Conviction in Oregon? How to Lift Your License Suspension
Drivers who are arrested by a police officer and tested with a blood alcohol level of 0.08 percent or higher, as well as those who refuse a breathalyzer test, face an immediate license suspension. An individual who has lost his or her license in Oregon should consult a DUI lawyer to help navigate the state’s license reinstatement process.

The History of U.S. Blood-Alcohol Level Regulations
While driving under the influence of alcohol was first outlawed in New York in 1910, blood-alcohol level regulations weren’t introduced until the 1930s. Learn more about the history of blood-alcohol driving laws in the United States, according to an experienced DUI attorney.