The Essential Role of Expert Defense in Oregon’s Measure 11 Cases, Also Known as “One Strike, You’re Out”

In Oregon, the implications of Measure 11 are profound, demanding mandatory minimum sentences for severe crimes without the possibility of parole or sentence reduction for good behavior. This stringent legal framework underscores the necessity of an expert defense team to navigate the complexities of the judicial system. A robust defense is not just a benefit but a critical necessity for those accused under Measure 11 to ensure that their rights are protected and that they receive a fair trial.


Given the irreversible impact of these sentences on an individual’s life, securing competent legal representation is paramount. The ability to challenge the prosecution’s case, scrutinize the evidence, and present a compelling defense can significantly affect the outcome of the trial. This is especially crucial as juveniles aged 15 and older are tried as adults, making the stakes exceptionally high. An experienced attorney plays a vital role in advocating for justice and exploring all possible legal avenues to defend the accused.


Aggravated Murder: 30 to life
Murder: 25 years
1st degree Manslaughter: 10 years
Conspiracy to Commit Aggravated Murder: 10 years
Attempted Aggravated Murder: 10 years
1st degree Unlawful sexual penetration: 8 years, 4 months
1st degree Sodomy: 8 years, 4 months
1st degree Rape: 8 years, 4 months
1st degree Arson with Threat of Serious Injury: 7 years, 6 months
1st degree Robbery: 7 years, 6 months
1st degree Kidnapping: 7 years, 6 months
1st degree Assault: 7 years, 6 months
Conspiracy to Commit Murder: 7 years, 6 months

Attempted Murder: 7 years, 6 months
1st degree Sexual abuse: 6 years, 3 months
2nd degree Unlawful sexual penetration: 6 years, 3 months
2nd degree Sodomy: 6 years, 3 months
2nd degree Rape: 6 years, 3 months
2nd degree Manslaughter: 6 years, 3 months
Pornographic Exploitation of a Child: 5 years, 10 months
Compelling Prostitution: 5 years, 10 months

These are probable sentences:
2nd degree Assault: 5 years, 10 months
2nd degree Kidnapping: 5 years, 10 months
2nd degree Robbery: 5 years, 10 months

The measure applies to all defendants aged 15 and over, requiring juveniles 15 and overcharged with these crimes to be tried as adults.

Contact Corbridge Law now for a consultation.

Detailed Overview of Measure 11

Measure 11, officially enacted in Oregon in 1994, was introduced as a stringent response to escalating violent crime rates. This law mandates minimum sentences for 16 designated crimes, ranging from murder and rape to robbery and assault. Notably, it removes the possibility of sentence reductions for good behavior, ensuring that offenders serve the entire minimum term. Measure 11 applies to all offenders aged 15 and older, meaning juveniles charged with these serious crimes are tried as adults, emphasizing the measure’s severity.

Frequently Asked Questions about Measure 11

  • What offenses are covered under Measure 11? Measure 11 lists specific crimes including murder, rape, robbery, and kidnapping, each associated with a fixed minimum sentence.
  • How are juveniles affected by Measure 11? Juveniles aged 15 and above are tried as adults for any of the crimes listed under Measure 11, facing the same minimum sentences as adults.
  • Can sentences under Measure 11 be reduced or appealed? The law prohibits sentence reductions for good behavior, and while appeals can be filed against convictions, the mandated minimum sentences remain firm upon conviction.

Impact of Measure 11: Statistics and Case Studies

Since its implementation, Measure 11 has significantly impacted Oregon’s justice system, contributing to a marked increase in the state’s prison population. Case studies reveal varied instances where Measure 11 has been applied, illustrating its firm stance against violent crimes but also sparking debate over its rigidity and the fairness of applying adult sentences to juveniles.

Legal Defense Strategies Under Measure 11

Navigating a Measure 11 case requires an adept legal defense, given the high stakes of mandatory minimum sentences. Defense strategies might include challenging the prosecution’s evidence, arguing for the inapplicability of Measure 11 to the case specifics, or negotiating plea deals for charges outside of Measure 11 when possible.

Updates and Potential Reforms to Measure 11

Recent discussions and legislative attempts at reforming Measure 11 highlight ongoing debates regarding its effectiveness and fairness. Critics argue for more flexibility in sentencing and rehabilitation opportunities, while supporters uphold the measure as a necessary tool for deterring serious crimes.

By thoroughly understanding Measure 11, individuals and their families can better prepare for the legal challenges posed by these serious charges. For those facing such charges, securing knowledgeable legal representation is crucial for navigating the complexities of Measure 11.

Contact Corbridge Law now for a consultation.


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